Written by UConn Dietetics Student Nicole Glick Whether you are vegan or vegetarian looking to get creative with your meals or an omnivore looking to cut back on your meat consumption, mushrooms can be your one-way ticket to a nutritious and delicious meal! For a while, mushrooms were not getting the attention they deserved, but […]
Get garden ready: Start seedlings inside the home!
Written by UConn Dietetics student Ariana Morasutti Starting your seedlings inside the home is a great option if you are new to gardening or just want to give your plants a head start. You can start a wide variety of vegetables inside your home such as broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and onions. Starting the growth […]
Slow Down with The Salt! Where Does it Hide? Tips to Decrease Your Salt Intake
Written by UConn Dietetics Masters student Chris Blancarte Salt is a chef’s friend. It is the most universally used seasoning in kitchens everywhere because it occurs naturally. It has been used for millennia to preserve food and enhance flavor 1. It is a mineral essential in our diets for the proper functioning of our bodies […]
Nutrient Deficiencies Can Happen!
Written by Dietetics Masters CP Student Isabella Gorski Did you know that fewer than 10% of all Americans have a nutrient deficiency? That’s about 3 million people. A nutrient deficiency is what happens when your body does not get enough of a specific nutrient that it needs in order for you to be at your […]
Plant-based Proteins can make for Cheaper and Healthier Meals!
Written by UConn Dietetics Student Bonnie Caulfield Are you thinking about transitioning from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet? Or maybe just mixing in some plant-based protein sources to your current diet? Whether you eat solely plant-based or are looking to make a small change, plant-based proteins are beneficial in more ways than one! […]
Milk and Dairy! Not Everyone Needs to Avoid Cow’s Milk!
Written by UConn Dietetics student Heather Phillips Humans began drinking milk products at least 6000 years ago1. Yet if you walk into the dairy isle at the grocery store you will see rows and rows of dairy alternatives. These alternatives made from foods such as oats, almonds, cashews, and soy claim to be healthier for […]
Spring Fridge Cleaning
Written by UConn Dietetics student Monique Mazaika Wanting some ketchup for your yummy lunch, you open the fridge and scan each shelf to find it. After eyeing it, you reach towards the back of the shelf, struggling to maneuver past the various bottles of dressings and sauces and grazing the 1-week-old strawberry jelly you forgot […]
Let’s Get Active! – 5 Ways to Get Your Family Moving
Written by UConn Dietetics student Rama Kattan Physical activity is important for keeping your family healthy and strong. Research has shown that kids who participate in physical activity maintain their weight and perform better in school1. Being a role model and participating in daily physical activity can help your children build positive health behaviors. The […]
It’s All About Balance: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Written by UConn Dietetics student Olivia Ford Good nutrition, physical activity and a healthy body weight are all important parts of a person’s overall health and wellbeing. What is good nutrition you may ask? Good nutrition means you are eating a variety of whole foods that you enjoy like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, […]
Healthy Cooking
Written by UConn Dietetics Student Yanyan Chen Healthy eating is more than just choosing foods. How they are prepared is also important. Healthy eating does not mean giving up your favorite foods or recipes; you can adapt or modify your recipe easily with basic cooking techniques to provide healthier alternatives. Here are some examples: Switch […]