Fact-based food and nutrition information to help
you make
informed choices for you and your family!

Toddlers Eating Strawberries

Kids Under 5


Healthy feeding-related topics available for parents and guardians of toddlers and preschool children.

Teens Playing Sports

Tweens & Teens


Educational, fact-based nutrition and physical activity resources for tweens and teens (ages 11 - 18 years).

Adults Shopping



Fact-based nutrition and health resources to help adults (of all ages!) stay healthy.

Kid Cooking

Healthy Recipes!


Spice up the week with new healthy meals and delicious snacks! 

Outreach and Publications

Faculty Publications and Journal Articles

Helping Change Health Behaviors with the Click of a Button

Physician's Weekly - Tailoring Obesity Messages for Pediatrics

Physician’s Weekly is posted in about 1,700 of the leading hospitals and academic health centers as well as thousands of private practices throughout the US, meaning the feature we collaborate on will likely be seen by many of your peers and colleagues nationwide.

Avelino DC*, Lin CA, Waring ME, Barbosa AJ*, Duffy VB. Assessing the Reach and Engagement Effectiveness of Disseminating Food and Nutrition Information on Social Media Channels. Foods 2024, 13, 2535. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13162535.

Mofrad MD, Nosal BM, Avelino DC*, Killion KE*, Puglisi M, Duffy VB, Chun OK. Food resource management skills and healthy eating focus are associated with diet quality and reduction of unhealthy behaviors during the. COVID-19 pandemic in adults from a low-income northeastern CT community. Nutrients, 16(13), p.2043.

Killion KE*, Corcoran A*, Romo-Palafox MJ, Harris JL, Kagan I*, Gilbert L*, Duffy VB. Responsive Feeding Practices to Promote Healthy Diets: A Mixed Method Study among Low-Income Caregivers with Toddlers. Nutrients. 2024 Mar 15;16(6).

Avelino D*, Duffy VB, Puglisi M, Ray S, Lituma-Solis B*, Nosal BM, Madore M, Chun CK. Can ordering groceries online support diet quality in adults who live in low-food access and low-income environments? Nutrients 2023, 15(4), 862; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15040862 - 08 Feb 2023


SNAP Online

SNAP Online!

You can use SNAP to order groceries online. This increases access to healthy foods and stretches your food dollar. Read More about SNAP Online

About Us

Healthy Family Connecticut is a program offered by UConn School & Family SNAP-Ed.  We provide a collection of fact-based food and nutrition resources for parents and adults (offered in both English and Spanish) who receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. Informational resources on many food and feeding-related topics are available for parents of toddlers and preschool aged children. Videos for school age kids on healthy eating and lifestyle, like reducing screen time, are available also! We also have a fun nutrition game for children to play. Learn more