healthy eating

Eating for a Healthy Heart

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters Student Stephanie Graffeo A variety of foods help keep our hearts healthy. Fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial to our bodies because they are packed with vitamins and minerals, and especially fiber. Grains also offer fiber, especially whole grains. Fiber can help lower the amount of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in […]

“Go-To” Healthy Food Swaps

Written by Dietetic Intern Kathryn Murphy There are so many varieties and types of food on our planet! Some foods fall into healthy categories and others into less healthy categories. A lifetime of eating the less healthy foods can potentially increase risk for developing chronic diseases like heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and contribute to […]

Root Veggies Rock!

Written by UConn Dietetics student Joseph Oliva What are Root Vegetables? Root vegetables are vegetables that grow underground and serve as the base for the plant. Some other common names for root vegetables include bulbs, roots, and tubers. While they are called “roots”, this does not imply that they are actual roots, but instead, they […]

Slow Down with The Salt! Where Does it Hide? Tips to Decrease Your Salt Intake

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters student Chris Blancarte Salt is a chef’s friend. It is the most universally used seasoning in kitchens everywhere because it occurs naturally. It has been used for millennia to preserve food and enhance flavor 1. It is a mineral essential in our diets for the proper functioning of our bodies […]

Plant-based Proteins can make for Cheaper and Healthier Meals!

Written by UConn Dietetics Student Bonnie Caulfield Are you thinking about transitioning from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet? Or maybe just mixing in some plant-based protein sources to your current diet? Whether you eat solely plant-based or are looking to make a small change, plant-based proteins are beneficial in more ways than one! […]

It’s All About Balance: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

Written by UConn Dietetics student Olivia Ford Good nutrition, physical activity and a healthy body weight are all important parts of a person’s overall health and wellbeing. What is good nutrition you may ask? Good nutrition means you are eating a variety of whole foods that you enjoy like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, […]

Snacking: Pair with Care!

Written by UConn dietetics student Kate Daley We all love snacks.  Snacks are what bridge the gap between our three meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  Some people snack more than others, but one thing is for sure, snacks are an important part of any diet that allow us to satisfy our hunger throughout the day!  […]

Eat SMART in the New Year!

Written by UConn registered dietitian-nutritionist Donna Zigmont, RDN, CD-N   Every January, millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions to make positive changes in their lives. After a very difficult 2020 due to COVID-19, we are hopeful that 2021 will be more promising for all of us. Many of us have had to put our […]