
Juicy Facts: Why Whole Fruit is Better than Juice

Written by UConn Dietetics student Emma Harvey When adding fruit to the diet make sure to grab a whole fruit instead of the juice. While a 100% fruit juice can be a convenient and tasty way to get some vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) found in the fruit, the juice contains less fiber, is […]

Sleep Quality and Healthy Diet

Sleep is important for getting through the day. It helps you to think more clearly, to improve your overall mood, and to maintain a strong immune system 5. But there’s even more to it than that! Adequate sleep encourages the body to support a strong but sufficient appetite2, which translates into energy for bodily functions. […]

Fall in Love with Lentils

What are lentils? Some of the most versatile and nutrient-rich pantry-staples are lentils, and they have been around for quite some time, back to 8000 BC in what is now modern-day Syria1. Since their initial usage, they have spread to many different areas across the globe and are prominent features of Middle Eastern and Indian […]

What is the Dash Diet?

Written by UConn Dietetics Intern Laura Scarfone   What is the DASH Diet?  The DASH diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The diet refers to an eating pattern designed to help prevent or treat high blood pressure (hypertension). The eating pattern focuses on whole foods higher in nutrients that have shown to lower […]

Gut Microbiome Health

Written by UConn Dietetics Intern Isabella Pratt The topic of gut health has been rising in popularity over the past few years and for good reason! Our gut microbiome is full of bacteria (both good and bad) that are the basic makeup of our health. There is so much more to learn about gut health. […]

Added Sugars vs Natural Sugars

Written by UConn Dietetics Student Caitlyn McDonagh There continues to be confusion about natural and added sugars in foods. Read on to become an expert! What are natural sugars? Natural sugars are the sugars that occur naturally in whole foods. Most natural sugars found in fruits are fructose, and in dairy products like cheese and […]

Fact or Fad? Exposing the Myths Behind Fad Diets

Written by UConn Dietetic Intern, Valerie Mason What is a fad diet? Fad diets come and go as new research and new trends start to come out. Diets that claim, “rapid weight loss” or “no exercise needed”, or “see results fast” are likely fad diets and making false claims. These diets are often promoted and […]