Tips for Eating out at Restaurants

Written by UConn Dietetics Student Austin Goldberg When it comes to eating out at restaurants, there are so many delicious foods to choose from. Be aware that there is often added sodium, extra fat, sugar, and calories in restaurant foods. If you eat out regularly, these calories can add up. Check out these tips for […]

The Nutritional Value of Color

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters student Sam Nunes Have bright and vibrant colored foods ever caught the attention of your eye or your stomach? Our visual experience of food impacts the choices we make when it comes to what we eat. There is a reason for this. There are nutritional benefits and appeal to colorful […]

Breastfeeding: For You and Your Baby

Written by Dietetics Masters Student Kristina Croteau Breastfeeding is the recommended feeding practice for new mothers, providing ample nutritional benefits to their babies. The first fluid the breasts make after delivery of baby is colostrum, often called “liquid gold” because it is packed with the mother’s antibodies which in turn help build the baby’s immune […]

National Nutrition Month 2024 – Beyond the Table!

Food, Nutrition and Health Tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month® inspires us to look Beyond the Table when thinking about our health and the environment. Choices we make daily, including what we’re going to eat and drink, can make a big difference — both now and in […]

Making Your Own, Simple, and Healthy Salad Dressing

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters Student Maya Wolanin Eating salads is a great way to add more and varied vegetables into your daily diet. There are many varieties and options of store-bought salad dressings to drizzle on your salads. Some are healthier than others. Make sure you read the product label because some include high […]

Focus on Protein

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters student Mackenzie Merriman Power up with protein! The building block of all our cells, protein helps us to stay full, promotes muscle growth and repair, aids in strength of joints and supports immune health. Along with carbohydrates and fats, proteins supply calories/fuel/energy to our bodies. It is important to know […]

All About Introducing Babies to Solid Foods

Written by UConn Dietetics Student Jaiden Swanson Many new experiences come with parenting and feeding children. One common question is when and how do I introduce my baby to solid foods?  When to Introduce Solid Foods Introducing solid foods too early or too late can both be harmful to the child and affect their development. […]

How to: Reduce Food Waste

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters student Nikki Santillo Food waste is a major concern in the United States with about 30-40% of the food supply ending up as waste. Food waste is defined as a reduction in edible food along the food chain.1 This includes food loss during the production of food, storage, shopping, and cooking. […]