Month: April 2021

Slow Down with The Salt! Where Does it Hide? Tips to Decrease Your Salt Intake

Written by UConn Dietetics Masters student Chris Blancarte Salt is a chef’s friend. It is the most universally used seasoning in kitchens everywhere because it occurs naturally. It has been used for millennia to preserve food and enhance flavor 1. It is a mineral essential in our diets for the proper functioning of our bodies […]

Plant-based Proteins can make for Cheaper and Healthier Meals!

Written by UConn Dietetics Student Bonnie Caulfield Are you thinking about transitioning from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet? Or maybe just mixing in some plant-based protein sources to your current diet? Whether you eat solely plant-based or are looking to make a small change, plant-based proteins are beneficial in more ways than one! […]